Abundant and easily absorbed nutritional components, antioxidants, enzymes, immune properties, and live antibodies from mother.
As a wonderful arrangement, Mother Nature starts production of milk in female animal's mammary gland immediately after child-birth as a readymade food for infants. It is the result of marvel of secretary glands and hormones like oxytocin, prolactin and many more.
This being the regular phenomenon, it hardly catches attention. Problem starts only when everything doesn't go in its natural way. In a few cases, the milk secretion does not start spontaneously at all or starts late. This result in lack of milk secretion for new born baby for long time and the only remedy is to start external source of food for baby animal.
In good number of cases, milk production in mammary glands is not sufficient to satisfy the need of growing infants especially when they are totally dependent on mother's milk for initial stage of life which is crucial. In such cases also, external food is required to supplement the need of baby.
Interestingly our ancient science has addressed this problem scientifically and that too in most natural way by using safest herbs without any side effects.
VetCetera Health Care Pvt Ltd has identified such most effective herbs and made an ideal, balanced formulation - Morlac TM. The formulation has properties to generate and increase milk production in nursing mother's breasts. Morlac TM is prepared using standardized herbal extracts so as maintain its quality and efficacy batch after batch. It is also enriched by necessary vitamins. Each ingredient is carefully chosen and proportion optimized so as to make it highly effective. In such cases where lactation is not at all started after child-birth, Morlac TM helps to start milk production in 2 to 3 days only. In cases where milk production is insufficient to satisfy the baby, Morlac TM restores milk production due to its excellent Galactagogues properties.